…and a surprise on my return

Yesterday, there was a SCBWI Victoria gathering on the Peninsula at Mornington. We aim to provide one regional event each year to give regional members a break. It’s easy for us inner city dwellers to get to things – much more difficult for those living outside the city. And really, it’s a great excuse to leave the city. It was a lovely sunny Autumn day. And the attendance numbers confirmed that others felt much the same way.

Our program usually involves three speakers – one external and two drawn from our membership. Yesterday our speakers were Graham Davey from the CBCA (Vic) and YABBA, author Krista Bell and bookseller Meredith Horton. We factor in a long afternoon tea to facilitate casual networking and general catching up.white letterbox and picket fence

The audience comprised members and non-members, from experienced creators to those starting out. We were able to use a meeting room at the Mornington Library, perfect for our needs. It was a fun gathering. Each speaker gave us their perspective on the children’s book industry, sharing experience and providing insight. We overcatered afternoon tea, but heck it’s a long drive home.

I turned into my driveway to find that my new birthday letterbox is now in position and ready to accept mail. It’s bright and shiny and big enough for A4 envelopes. The fence looks shabbier than ever, but the letterbox is grand. All it needs now is some mail…