Sun Theatre launch of ” There Was an Old Sailor”
Saturday 27th was the official launch of ‘There Was an Old Sailor’. It was held in the foyer of Sun Theatre, and hosted by Sun Bookshop (which includes the across-the-road children’s bookshop Younger Sun).
It was great fun. We had a good crowd there and Danny Walsh‘s playing and singing drew in a few more off the streets. Cassandra Allen was unable to be there, she being in Switzerland and all, but her parents and a friend were there and it was lovely to meet them. My good friend, storyteller and fellow author, Jackie Kerin launched ‘There Was an Old Sailor’. Appropriate for her to be the launcher as without her, I probably wouldn’t have written the story or persisted in submitting it to publishers.
Danny sang and played, including singing the story of the old sailor, which he’d set to music. He had us all singing along.The only bad thing about launches is there’s never enough time to talk properly to everyone. Thank you to everyone who was there. Perhaps I’ll just have to have another one!
Anyhoo, here are some pics from the day…
Congratulations, Claire. WIsh I could have been there!
Looks like heaps of fun. PS My birthday present of There was an Old Sailor has been unwrapped and is already a bedtime favourite
I wish you could have been here too Sally! One day.
Fantastic Sandy. I had the kinder kids at my local kinder joining in on Monday. Lovely.
Congrats Claire – it looks like everyone enjoyed the launch. Like Sally, I wish I could have been there too. Loved the dolphins frolicking by the cake!
Thanks Trudie. Wish you could have been here too. Those dolphins disappeared after a smash and grab raid by my brother and youngest son! Pure sugar. 🙂
At last I can comment- my lap top won't let me but the old faithful computer will- loved the launch photos- loved the jacket and wish I could have been there! Hope it conquers many oceans for you. x Lorraine
thanks Lorraine.
I'm coming in very late on this one, Claire – but what a fantastic looking launch! Hurrah for you and your old – and young! – sailor.
Thanks Kat. Here's to all sailors! May they find adventure on the waves