…has arrived! Or begun…or birthed…
Late last year I posted a note on PIO calling for interest in a children’s book discussion group. There were lots of responses and suggestions, and the result is – ta-da! The First Tuesday Children’s Book Club (FTCBC).
I met with Jen Storer on Wednesday at The Abbotsford Convent (in Abbotsford, Melbourne) to nut out details.
The FTCBC will meet monthly on a Tuesday 10.30am – 12.30pm and talk about children’s books. We plan to discuss a picture book each month and also two other books, alternating junior fiction and young adult books. This first meeting will be to discuss the various incarnations of ‘Where The Wild Things Are’ – original text, film and Dave Eggers novelisation.
The group is open to anyone interested in children’s literature, not just writers/illustrators.
First meeting is Feb 2.
Contact me for more details if you’re interested…
Is FTBC online or in a physical person to person setting?
Yes it is a face to face book club Mabel. I'm really looking forward to the first meeting and to refining how it all works. Then maybe we can share the structure with others wanting to establish book clubs to talk about children's books.