I take a lot of photos. Taking photos makes me slow down and focus on tiny things and in many ways, it’s a meditation. But there’s not been a lot of time for photos this week. This is it from the conference!
On Sunday I joined 250 other delegates for the SCBWI Sydney Conference. The welcome event was loud. Not loud as in amplified single speaker, but loud as in 250 delegates conversing in groups and duos. It was also an evening of slow-moving. Moving from one side of the room to the other was full of pauses as yet another familiar face was spotted.
The Monday conference was full of wonderful sessions and wonderful conversations, good food, dancing and singing.
Tuesday saw us decamp to a new venue for a teacher PD day of presentations. There were a series of panels, each featuring four speakers and moderated by a SCBWI NSW member. I was on a non-fiction panel and was happy to have the chance to see colleagues ‘at work’, something that I seldom have the opportunity to do. The day ran like clockwork, a tribute to all the behind-the-scenes hard work of the committee.
I arrived home late Tuesday night, then on Wednesday ran a session at The Younger Sun Bookshop in Yarraville on Reading to Babies. There are photos on The Younger Sun FB page. So much cuteness in one room! And so many parents connecting with their bubs. The babies ranged in age from 8 weeks to about 8 months. We’ve already booked in a second session.
On Thursday, my morning plans were derailed (in a very good way) by the announcement of the NSW Premier’s Award short list. Dingo is a finalist in the Patricia Wrightson category – very exciting. I’ve linked to the judges comments which, of course, are fabulous.
I’m pleased I’d packed my kit for my talk to quilters, as I was able to grab it and head out with just the right amount of time to get there. I talked about the Rajah quilt and those who made it, as well as how that research led to ‘My Name is Lizzie Flynn’. Lovely to also share the quilt I’d just finished at the group’s ‘show and tell’.
After the session, I called in to visit the lovely Michael and Leesa at The Little Bookroom. And as if that was not enough for the day, it ended with a picture book group, where we all brought picture books to discuss, all ‘bird’ books. It was my first time joining the group and it was fabulous. Interesting too that most of the discussion was around the illustration rather than the text. Particularly fascinating for me, with insights into the things that illustrators notice.
Today is busy, but socially, rather than work-wise.
Then tomorrow, I’m launching Caz Goodwin’s ‘Lazy Daisy’, a very funny picture book about Daisy and her owner Jasper.
On Sunday, unless something unexpected happens, I’m staying in my pjs and not leaving the house.
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