We are members of the NGV but somehow we seem to wait until the final weeks of most exhibitions before we get to see them.
There are two more weeks to see this amazing exhibition with Andy Warhol and Ai Weiwei.
It was as huge as it was gobsmacking.
Some of the images were familiar, but it was fascinating to see some of the perhaps lesser known (okay, lesser known to me) pieces.
These three Ai WeiWei images are created with Lego! (note: unaware person included for scale)
Love this exploration of eyes.
I’d seen this image before but familiarity does not diminish its gorgeousness.
While under house arrest in China, Ai Weiwei placed flowers in a bike outside his studio. These are dated photos of all the bunches.
More flowers, this time from Andy Warhol.
And in a break between Warhol/Weiwei Pt 1 and Pt 2, we popped up to meet Whistler’s Mother. As well as the wonderful painting, the exhibition included some of the influences on Whistler’s work, including this Japanese vase.
And finally, the foyer of NGV offered this beautiful chandelier.
From the NGV we went to Toorak to the launch of Corinne Fenton and Robin Cowcher’s new book, ‘You Have My Heart’ at Corrie Perkin’s new ‘My Bookshop’. There was a crowd almost too big for the room happy to share the magic of a brand new book. Nup, no photos of that. Was too busy enjoying the launch and catching up with people. Too hard to take photos as well.
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