Sue L and I took ourselves on an excursion last fine Wednesday. Knowing it was going to be taxing, we began with lunch. Fortunately, none of the occupants rang the bells while we were there. They must have already lunched.

First stop, a cuddle with a footballer. Why wouldn’t you choose to snuggle by the one with eyes and a face?

Love this light. Not sure about the wiring …

The hats were displayed like in a florists. I recall my grandmother and her hats. She lived in the countryside where some of the film was shot. I wonder what she would have made of it? 


The work in these was exquisite. Photography is ordinary as the light was low and no flash allowed, but still worth capturing.

Love the ‘attitude’ of this pair, also the colour.

This frock was for me one of the most amazing. I don’t mean that it was my favourite, just that it was so striking, just like a frillneck lizard display.

All that hand beading deserves a look

My Nana, my other nana, dressed like this. Gorgeous.

Hand-printed spots. Love. And the manequin is fabulous. 

Sooo many beads.

The resourcefulness and art of spiders.

Blossum bee.

 Hitching hook

I’m happy turning a tap …

Sue and I were both revisiting time in shearing sheds.

Holding down the stump?

Now, that’s a blue sky. Okay, so we were almost the last to leave. Even the tea ladies had gone. 
It’s a fabulous exhibition, beautifully staged in an amazing house. Well worth a little trip down the highway …