Last Christmas, our boys gave us a getaway in the country. This past weekend, we finally connected our calendars and were able to take it. This was the view from our room’s front door.
We were at Flowerdale Estate, between Strath Creek and Flowerdale. Victoria turned on them most amazing weather,firstly for travelling about the place, but then for walking through the extensive grounds. Love these stone steps, staging the descent to river bank level.
The views were just beautiful, even the sheep seemed to have been placed for maximum effect. Although, there was something nqr about the trees on the hill behind.
This may look like an aged cow pat, or an old lava bubble but it’s actually an exposed tree root. Not sure whether this presentation is due to some bug or fungus, but the shape was fascinating.
Green, green, green grass, gently rolling hills, trees galore.
And a river.
Late afternoon sun on the hills
Raucous yellow-tailed black cockatoos staking their claim for the evening.
Indoor swimming pool, with the best of outdoor views.
The wisteria-covered verandah … should I go on?
As if all this gloriousness was too perfect to be believed, add a touch of fantasy. Welcome to the first ever murder mystery weekend. Thirty people signed up to frock up in 20s finery and spend 24 hours in character as well as costume.
We were welcome, we were told repeatedly, to join in, ask questions, or just observe their antics as they tried to unravel the mystery.
It seems a shame to cover up these coat hooks.
and the pressed metal wall wainscotting was stunning.

A full size pool table, in a full size pool room, with custom carpet, ensured that only quality games were played. Score? One game each.
I forgot to take my camera to dinner and it was a shame. The new season asparagus with hazelnut glaze was amazing as was the spinach canneloni with artichoke. Oh and there was dessert, the most delicious apple tart. I also forgot to take my glasses but a kind gent on the next table lent me his.
This morning we took another stroll after breakfast. This is a Furphy watercart, famed for the verses that Mr Furphy cast into his ends. This one didn’t warn about the dangers of whisky, as others do. It did however suggest that ‘good, better, best .. ‘ was the way to go. The wheels are cast Furphy productions too.
These water carts were filled, then taken into paddocks. Similar carts, although apparently not Furphy’s, were taken to North Africa during WWI.
We found the chook shed, and the dog that is wearing deep tracks around the fence as she tries to round up the chooks … from outside.
Today was a meander home through old towns and new. Tonight is a delayed Father’s Day dinner, prepared by our three boys.
And the sun shines on.
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