We went to Heide yesterday, the erstwhile home of John and Sunday Reed, and now an art gallery complex. There are three buildings, Heide I, II and III, and yesterday they were showing an exhibition to celebrate their 30th birthday. There were paintings and sculptures from many of the ‘Angry Penguins’, artists who were supported both financially and otherwise by the Reeds. The sculptures that follow were part of a ‘garden’ of sculpture, spread around the 15 acres of the property. We had a wonderful time, but came away with many questions about the Reeds and their friends (affairs, children, means of support, etc). Research is answering some of the questions, but I’m sure many mysteries remain.

Heavy duck. Bent the seat.

A change, I guess, from wearing your heart on your sleeve.

So that’s where the last jigsaw puzzle went!

Telescope to the sun.

Aww. The ‘Underfelt Donkey’.

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