I was at my *next-to-local library a few days ago, reading my book, waiting for my son. I’d been there a while when I became aware of a mother and two daughters standing just a few metres away looking at me. The younger of the two girls was carrying two of my books. Their mother introduced them too me and they told me which of my books they had at home, and talked about the ones they were taking home this time. It was a lovely accident of timing, me being there.
I’ve been caught up in the struggles on my current wip and the waiting that is part of every project (waiting for the idea to develop, waiting for the right words to come, waiting for it to make sense yano). It was a gentle reminder about what I’m really doing. Which is trying to connect with readers (even if I never see them), trying to provide them with stories to make them laugh and sometimes cry, stories that will help start them on a lifetime of learning, of loving words and stories.
*My local library was demolished a while ago and the replacement ‘Newport Community Hub Library’ is only weeks away from completion. I’m so excited about this new library, that I drove my visitor there yesterday to gaze upon the building site!
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