I’ve been launching ‘Christmas at Grandma’s Beach House’, firstly at Wedderburn College, with Yr 2 and their wonderful teacher, Mrs Mac

, who prepared the setting for the launch. She also prepared her students for the first student-sung rendition of ‘Christmas at Grandma’s Beach House’, complete with actions. Stay tuned for the Youtube link!

And they wrote me letters, asking questions and telling me about themselves 

Then it was time for the Melbourne launch at Tucker Rd PS, and their wonderful librarian Robin.

In between, there was another little launch, attended by half of Melbourne! This ‘little’ launch was for the Myer Christmas Windows. This year, the window display was based on ‘Little Dog and the Christmas Wish’, written by Corinne Fenton, illustrated by Robin Cowcher and published by Black Dog Books.

It was fabulous to be in the crowd to celebrate the big reveal. Congratulations to Corinne, Robin, Maryann, John and all the Stage One crew. And if you look closely, you’ll find Corinne is represented in the Block Arcade window. Who else can you find?

If you were feeling a bit like making some Christmas noise, head on down to NGV foyer where music is just waiting to be made.

I planned to get to the Hermitage exhibition much earlier in the season, but only just made it. The advantage was there was no queue to get in. Next time I’m invited to tea, I’d like to see this tea service in use. What are my chances?
This display of rings, brooches and hat pins was so beautiful. Delicate and gorgeous.