What’s the connection between these two images?
The first is Grandma Poss from Possum Magic.
The second is Queen’s Hall, part of the original building of the State Library of Victoria.
Grandma Poss has most recently been resident in the gardens of Dromkeen, a wonderful place for immersion in children’s literature, particularly the art of children’s literature.
Sadly, Dromkeen is for sale.
Fortunately, the SLV has become the new custodian of the amazing collection of original picture book art that was housed there.
Even more fortunately, the SLV is interested in continuing the work of Dromkeen, that of bringing readers and creators together.
On Wednesday, writers, illustrators and library experts gathered to begin the discussion about just how to keep alive some of the Dromkeen programs, and how to shape and develop them in the future.
Stay posted.
ps Our meeting on Wednesday was in this glorious space, Queen’s Hall.
pps Grandma Poss is now in Melbourne .
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