Sheep and Goat – my next picture book
Illustrations are in the early stages for my next picture book, Sheep, Goat and the Creaking Gate. I’m starting to plan how I’ll share this book with school groups. I’ve developed a few strategies, one of which involves using stuffed toys as props. (not sure whether or not to make a creaking gate!)
Easy to Find Sheep
Easy. Not. Easy to find sheep in all sorts of sizes and shapes, from cartoony to realistic. But goats? Not so easy. There are a couple around, but they’re quite big and the sheep I have is only about 15-20 cm tall/long. I am happy with the toy sheep that I’ll use when sharing my next picture book (Sheep, Goat and the Creaking Gate) with children. The poor old goat just doesn’t seem as popular in the stuffed toy department. Hmm. Not sure whether to try and make one, or to resort to just a picture of one. Would be quite nice to have a 3D version… Will think some more.
Goat joins Sheep
I have continued the struggle to find a goat toy. A friend sent me some suggestions recently. The one she’d found was too small but it reignited my search and I found my goat!
A detour into dog toys
Thanks Sally, thanks RSPCA who stockedĀ a dog toy. Emmi, our dog, loves stuffed toys and our backyard is strewn with the bits of the current favourite.
Goat arrives in the post
When the goat arrived in the post, Emmi was very excited and even more disappointed when the goat joined the sheep on top of my bookshelf
Artwork for the Book is looking good
I’ve seen Judith’s roughs and they’re great. Can’t wait to see the finished artwork and the proofs. At this stage the publication date for Sheep, Goat is July 2009.
Now to research the differences between sheep and goats. And the similarities.
Puppets Claire above the creaky gate? in felt- what do you think?