My nephew recently turned 21 and his out-of-state father flew in to help him celebrate with family at the Windsor Hotel in Melbourne. This gorgeous old hotel does a stunning afternoon tea/high tea. A fine time was had by all, including birthday boy. Never fear though that the youth of today are becoming too sophisticated. He’s also having a rip-roaring party at his house this weekend.

This was one of the teas on offer…the flower ‘blooms’ once immersed in the boiling water. Amazing to watch it unfurl from a tight green bud.

These two photos (above and below) are the same chandelier. Perspective, eh?

Afterwards, we headed to Lygon St, bookshops and pasta. As you do. Walking back to the tram, we saw these outside tables. Not one was flat. Must be interesting when it rains. Not to mention trying to keep your coffee level.