Advance copy of There Was an Old Sailor
A first advance copy of ‘There Was an Old Sailor‘ was posted to me more than a week before Christmas. (thanks Virginia at Walker Books) I received notification of this while I was at Salamander Bay and was looking forward to it being at home waiting for me. But alas, alack, due to reasons unknown (postal strike, Christmas mail volume) it didn’t make it. Agggh! Frustrating to know it was in transit but not arriving. But, first mail yesterday, there it was!
It looks fantastic. Even better than the scans, gorgeous as they were. You can see the cover here.
Luckily we were having visitors for dinner so I didn’t have to wait long before beginning to share my book with the world. 🙂
Thanks Amra. It's frustrating when you know it's in transit. But it was worth the wait. Now I'm waiting for the fish that'll come with it.
I had the same thing happen. A package took over three weeks to arrive. Just when I gave it up as lost-there it was. Congratulations on the new book.I received this cute award and I'm passing the love around.