Three new books – a special launchHow toad made it rain - a childrens book

These three were part of a leveled reading series with Oxford University Press, and were launched last night. The project was 20 books, 10 non-fiction titles and ten retellings of traditional tales.

Each was paired…eg Indonesian trad tale with a migration story. The migration stories were all photos and the families featured were there at the launch.

Rewriting 3 Source Stories

Naga and Buaya - a childrens Book coverIt was an interesting project to be part of. We were provided with source stories and had to rewrite them to a tight word and vocab schedule.

‘How Toad Made it Rain’ (from Vietnam) is 184 words,Naga and Buaya (from Indonesia) is 70 words, and Two Brothers (from Lebanon), is for beginner readers and is just 26 words!Two Brothers - a children's book - the cover






Nice to see them in print. Long may they help children learn to read! All are available from OUP