The Wearing of the Green – A launchcoconut spuds

My upper-middle grade novel, The Wearing of the Green took ten years to manifest – from first idea about a girl-in-Melbourne-1850s-not-gold-rush-story to book-release day. It is the story of Biddy’s arrival in Melbourne and her search for family and a place to belong, set in a fledgling colonial town. It felt good and right to celebrate the publication with a book launch close to where the story is set. I wanted to thank so many people who have been part of this journey and to send this book into the world with a party.



Claire Saxby signing book
Display of Claire Saxby Books

And so we partied. Newport Community Choir (including me) sang the title song (a rebel call first sung in 1798). Kate O’Donnell and I chatted about the story behind the story, Irish and Australian history and writing angst. There was food (including the pictured quail egg sized coconut spuds) and drink and chat. In short, we made merry.

Claire Saxby and Kate ODonnell at book launch
Newport Community choir at Claire Saxby book launch

So much of what happens from here on is beyond my control. I hope my story finds its readers and that they enjoy the world they visit in The Wearing of the Green. It is published by Walker Books Australia