by Claire Saxby | May 2022 | historical fiction, launch, My Books
The Wearing of the Green – A launch My upper-middle grade novel, The Wearing of the Green took ten years to manifest – from first idea about a girl-in-Melbourne-1850s-not-gold-rush-story to book-release day. It is the story of Biddy’s arrival in Melbourne...
by Claire Saxby | Aug 2020 | Blog, Children's Books, historical fiction
Haywire shortlisted Well, as if having a new book (Kookaburra) release isn’t enough wonderfulness at this tricky time, Wednesday 5 August brought its own special magic. Around the middle of the day, when Victoria was waiting for the daily new infection numbers,...
by admin | May 2011 | historical fiction
I took my camera today, but really it wasn’t appropriate for me to take photos in either of the workshops I attended.The first workshop with Sharon Lapkin was about editing and included an insight into the construction of a new edition of a classic Australian...
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